Wild Uelzechtdall

Scheduled Topics Page


Imagine an Uelzechtdall filled with thriving natural gardens, orchards and wild flower meadows, providing rich habitats for a wide diversity of animals such as insects, birds or mammals. Pretty picture, isn’t it? Well, the Wild Uelzechtdall group is working on it by restoring natural areas, supporting biodiversity in urban areas and building awareness.

Our first project will be the creation of wild flower meadows. This way, we can support pollinators which have been declining dramatically over the past decades. Starting with our own gardens, we are striving to develop a network of natural habitats from Walferdange to Mersch.

How to get involved in the Wild Uelzechtdall initiative?

Get in touch with us, if you want to contribute to a wilder Uelzechtdall at .



Do you want to sow a wildflower meadow? Find out how to do it in this instruction sheet created by the capaign “Ouni Pestiziden” :